The Secret Kindergarten
The Secret Kindergarten
Wishes for the World | Family Activity Explained

Wishes for the World | Family Activity Explained

Have you ever taken the time to think about what you wish for each individual in the whole world? "Wishes for the World" gets a part of the brain going that we hardly get to you use.

It gets a part of the heart going that we don't get enough time to consider using too. This activity gets a heart-mind connection going too! Do it with your family for more connectedness and see what changes will happen when adding this activity into your home life.


Greenland, S. K. (2016). Mindful Games: Sharing Mindfulness With Children, Teens and Families. Shambala Boulder.

Petros, Nicholas Paul. (1998). I Will Speak For The Children. Jade Publishing.

Levitt, J.L., PhD., Sansone, R.A., M.D. & Cohn, L., M.A.T. (2004). Self-Harm and Eating Disorders - Dynamics, Assessment, and Treatment.

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The Secret Kindergarten
The Secret Kindergarten
The Secret Kindergarten is here to support parents of young children. We provide a freedom-minded podcast, for young children, that is guaranteed to be free of indoctrination and sinister agendas. There are carefully curated undertones in the content that promote Natural Law principles because The Secret Kindergarten affirms what young children already know. An enjoyable podcast for the whole family that is thought provoking, fun and encourages connecting with our young. There is also content, for grown-ups, uploaded here to encourage and support them so they can become their own early childhood educators.